The Story of the Crazy Crows
A community of 8,181 crows lived high in the mountains. One day they were flying over the huge castle that is on top of the mountain and flew down to the windows to see if anyone still lived there. All they could see was Duke Xavier in the throne room covered in dust and cobwebs hunched over playing chess alone.
The crows became obessed with watching him play. Each day more and more crows landed at the windows to watch him play. One day, one of the more brave crows flew down inside and landed in front of the Duke and watched the Duke play. The Duke made a move and stopped. The Crow understood it was now his turn and started to learn how to play.

Story cont...
Over time they came to realize the Duke was a lonely man who died but loved chess and remained behind to continue to play now that he had many friends to play with. But the castle has a deep secret... Read the full lore on our discord in the #lore channel!